Work with email


SVHarbor provides an easy-to-use email application that lets you send messages to other SVHarbor users and other users that have email accounts.  If your administrator has set up an SVHarbor email account for you, the My Organizer option is available in the left pane of the SVHarbor home page, and a New Mail option appears at the top of the home page.  In addition, you have access to calendar and to do list features.  If your administrator did not assign you an SVHarbor email account, none of these features are available.  (For example, you might not have been assigned an SVHarbor email address if you use another email provider, such as America Online.)


Your SVHarbor email address is your SVHarbor username followed by "" (as in  This address is listed for you in the SVHarbor directory, and you can give it to anyone who needs to email you.  When your administrator creates your account, he or she can also select one or more email roles for you.  For example, if you are assigned the Store Manager role, you will automatically receive all SVHarbor email intended for store managers.


Listed below are the main tasks you can perform in the SVHarbor email application:


Start the email application

Read messages

Organize your email

Create or edit a message

Select from the Address Book

Format email text

Send or save a message

Set delivery options

Delete a message

Set mail preferences


And also:


Use the Address Book

Add contacts

Add groups

Edit contacts or groups

Delete contacts or groups



The file attachment size limit is 10 MB per incoming or outgoing message.  This includes both attachments if there are two for a message.  Refer to Create or edit a message for information on file attachments.


Messages in your Inbox are automatically removed after 60 days.  If you want to save messages for a longer period of time, you need to move them into other folders as described in Organize your email.


The total amount of space you have (for email messages, attachments, To Do's and your calendar) is 50 MB.  If your space gets full, you will still be able to receive messages but you will not be able to send messages, add To Do's or add calendar events.  It's a good idea to delete old messages that you do not need anymore.  Refer to delete a message for more information.


Start the email application

You can run the SVHarbor email application by either:


Clicking My Organizer in the left pane of the SVHarbor home page and then clicking E-Mail.


Clicking New Mail at the top of the SVHarbor home page.



The main email window is displayed, as shown below.  Use the buttons and links on this window to perform email tasks.



New Memo:  Click this button when you want to create an email message.

Folder:  Displays the Create Folder, Remove Folder and Upgrade Design buttons, which you use when organizing email.

Delete:  Displays the Delete and Empty Trash buttons, which you use to delete email messages.

Tools:  Displays the Preferences button, which allows you to set email options.

Go to:  Displays the My Organizer button, which takes you to My Organizer.

Add Sender To Address Book:  Click the checkbox next to an email message, and then click this button to add the sender of the email to your address book.


Open Calendar:  Displays the Calendar window.


Open To Do:  Displays the To Do window.


Open Address Book:  Displays the Address Book window.



Read messages


Launch the email application.

Refer to Start the email application for details.


The main email window is displayed.


Locate the message you want to read.


Messages in your Inbox are displayed when you open the main email window.  To display messages within other folders, click the folder you want at the left side of the window.  


The folder name whose messages are being displayed appears in all capital letters.  


Use the Previous Page, Next Page, First Page and Last Page buttons to move between pages of the list of messages.


Click the small arrow next to Who, Date and Size to sort the messages in ascending or descending order of the sender's name, the date of the message or the size of the message file.




Click the name of the sender whose message you want to read.

The email message displays, as shown below.



View and download the attachment if there is one.


If the sender attached a file to his or her message, it appears within the message in two ways:


If the email application can display the attachment, it inserts it right in the message.  For example, an attachment such as a graphic in .GIF format is displayed in the message.  The filename is also displayed in the window.


If the email application cannot display the attachment, only the filename appears in the window.  For example, an attachment such as a .ZIP file cannot be directly displayed.



In either case, you can save the attachment to your computer's hard drive just by clicking the filename.  After clicking the filename, the File Download window appears.  Click the Save this file to disk button (if it is not already selected) and click OK.  Specify a location to save the file, and click Save.  Click Close when the file has completed downloading.


In order to view a file stored on your hard drive, you must have the appropriate application or viewer.  For example, to open a .PDF file, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.



Use the buttons at the top of the window to perform the tasks listed below.


New Memo:  Opens a blank New Memo window, which allows you to create a new message.


 Opens the New Memo window with the subject line and the contents of the sender's email message included, allowing you to pass along the message to one or more people.


 Displays four additional buttons.   Reply opens the New Memo window pre-addressed to the sender.   Reply to All opens the New Memo window pre-addressed to the sender and everyone else who received the email.   Reply with History opens the New Memo window pre-addressed to the sender, with the contents of the sender's email message included.   Reply to All with History opens a New Memo window pre-addressed to the sender and everyone else who received the email, with the contents of the sender's email message included.


Edit:  Displays the selected message in editable form.

Delete:  Places the displayed message in the trash, where it will remain until you click Empty Trash.

Go to:  Displays five additional buttons.  Inbox displays the messages in the Inbox.  Calendar displays the Calendar window).  To do displays the To do window.  Next displays the next message in the list, and Previous displays the previous message in the list.

Copy Into:  Displays the New Task and the New Calendar Entry buttons.  Click New Task to copy information from the message into a To Do task.  Click New Calendar Entry to copy information from the message into a calendar entry.


Organize email

The following sections explain how to organize the messages you send and receive into folders.  This makes it easy to quickly find a particular message, especially if you receive a lot of email.


To create a new folder:



From the main email window, click Folder.


Three new buttons appear: Create Folder, Remove Folder and Upgrade Design.


Click Create Folder.

The New Folder window is displayed.




Type a name for the new folder.


To put this new folder inside an existing folder, click the arrow next to the Begins With button and choose a folder from the list.  Then click the Begins With button.


The folder name is inserted in the New Folder field.


Click OK.

The new folder is listed on the left side of the window.


To move messages to a folder:


From the main email window, click the checkbox next to each message you want to move.

You may need to click the folders listed on the left side of the screen to display the messages you want to move.  A checkmark in the box indicates that a message is selected for moving.  (Click the box again to remove the checkmark if you decide not to move a message.)


Select the folder you want to move the email to from the list on the right side of the window.



Click Move to Folder or Copy to Folder.

Move to Folder moves the selected message to the folder you choose and deletes it from the current folder.  Copy to Folder moves the selected message to the folder you choose and also leaves a copy of the message in the current folder.



To remove a folder:


Use this procedure carefully.  When you delete a folder, all messages stored in that folder are also deleted.




From the main email window, click Folder.

Three new buttons appear:
Create Folder, Remove Folder and Upgrade Design.


Click Remove Folder.

The Remove Folder window is displayed.




Click the list and choose the folder you want to remove.  Then click OK.

The folder is removed from the list on the left.


Create or edit a message


To create a new message, click New Memo in the main Email window.  To edit a message you've already started, click the Drafts folder on the left and then click the message you want to work with.


If you are creating a message, the New Memo window is displayed.  If you are editing an existing message, the message displays in the window.




If you want to format your text, click Use Rich Text Applet.


This creates a new memo page and deletes all information you may have already entered in the message.


Refer to the Format email text help topic for details.


Enter the recipient's email addresses in the To, cc and bcc  fields.


Either type the names or click Address to select a previously saved contact or group name from the address book.  (Refer to Select from the Address Book for more information.)  You can enter multiple names by separating the email addresses with commas.


SVHarbor allows you to send your email message to additional people besides the person listed in the To: field.  Email recipients listed in the cc: field will see the names of the other recipients of your email.  Email recipients listed in the bcc: field, however, will not.  As the sender of the message, you always see all names, even those who received blind carbon copies.


In the Subject field, type a title for the message.


For example, you might type "Tuesday meeting delayed."


To attach a file to your message, click one of the Browse... buttons, select the file you want to attach from the Choose File window, and click Open.


An attachment is a file, such as a word processing document or a spreadsheet document, that you can send along with your email message.  SVHarbor allows you to attach two files to the messages you send.


This attaches the file to your message.  To attach a second file to your message, click the other Browse... button and repeat this step.


The file attachment size limit is 10 MB per incoming or outgoing message.  This includes both attachments if there are two for a message.




In the white box in the center of the window, type the message text.


If you are using the rich text option, refer to the Format text help topic for information


Click Delivery Options at the top of the window to select options for this message.


Refer to Set delivery options for details.


Click Send.


Refer to Send or save a message for details.


Select from the Address Book

While you are working on a message, you can quickly enter the recipients' names by clicking the Address button.  The address window displays, as shown below.




Click the Look In list and choose an address book.  


Names from the address book you select are displayed in the list on the left side.


Select name(s) from the list and enter them into the To, cc and bcc fields.


To enter a name in a field, click a name on the left, then click the To>, cc> or bcc> button.  To select a set of adjacent names from the list, click the first name you want, hold down the Shift key and then click the last name.


To remove a name from the To>, cc> or bcc> fields, select the name you want to remove and click Remove.  To remove all the names from these fields, click Remove All.


Click OK to close the address window and bring the names you selected to the message you are writing.  Click Cancel to close the window without bringing the names to the message you are writing.



Format email text

The Use Rich Text Applet option allows you to add visual interest to your email message.



In the main email window, click the New Memo option.

The New Memo window is displayed.


Click Use Rich Text Applet.

The following warning message appears:




Click OK.

If the rich text option has not been installed, you're asked if you want to install and run the rich text software.  Click

A new row of buttons and options is displayed above the email message area.  From left to right, they are:



 Turns bolding on and off.

 Turns italics on and off.

 Turns underlining on and off.

Left Align/Center Align/Right Align:
 Switches between these three paragraph alignments.

Indent Paragraph/Outdent Paragraph:
 Turns paragraph indenting on and off.

Bulleted List:
 Formats the selected lines of text as bulleted items, numbered items or not bulleted or numbered.

Create Link:
 Displays a field for entering a link to a Web address.  Your reader can then click the link to access that Web site.  Type the link address and click the check button.  (For example, you might type  A link is inserted at the cursor position in the message text.

Enter International Characters:
 Displays a field for entering unicode values (decimal or 0xhex).  Type the number representing the character and click the check button.  The character is inserted at the cursor position in the message text.

 Click the arrow to display a list of colors.

Font Size:
 Click the arrow to display a list of choices (6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 22, 36).

 Click the arrow to display a list of choices (sans serif, monospace, serif).


In the white box in the center of the window, type and format the email message.


When you want to turn a formatting option on, just click the corresponding button or select an option from a list.  For example, to type text in bold, click the Bold button, type the text and then click the Bold button again when you want to stop typing in bold.  You can also apply the formatting options to text you've already typed; just use the mouse to highlight the text you want to format, then click a formatting button or select an option.


The Create Link and Enter International Characters options work a bit differently.  To use these, position the cursor where you want the Web address link or special characters to appear.  Then click one of the buttons, type the address or character number and click the check button.


Send or save a message

After you create or edit a message, click the Send button to display the following options.  Click the one you want to use.


Send:  Sends the message but does not save a copy of it.


Send and Save:  Sends the message and also saves a copy of it for you to view later.


Save as Draft:  Does not send the message but saves a copy of it for you to view and edit later.



If you chose Send and Save, the message is stored in the Sent folder on the main email window.  If you choose Save as Draft, the message is stored in the Drafts folder.  Refer to Read messages for information on viewing the message.



Set delivery options

While you are working on a message, click the Delivery Options button to control various aspects of how your email is delivered.


When you click the button, the Delivery Options dialog box is displayed, as shown below.  Select from the options described following the illustration, and then click OK.



Importance:  Click the list and select Normal, High or Low.  If you choose High and are emailing another SVHarbor user, that user will see an icon next to the message indicating that it is important.


Delivery Report:  Click the list and choose one of the following options:

Only on failure:  Notifies you if your message could not be delivered.
Confirm delivery:  Notifies you when your message has been successfully delivered.
Trace entire path:  Sends you a message containing the path of the message from sender to recipient.
None:  Does not notify you concerning the delivery of your message.


Delivery Priority:  Click the list and select Normal, High or Low.  This affects how the message is placed in the mail delivery queue.


Return receipt:  Click the check box if you want to receive a message when the recipient opens your email.




Delete a message


From the main email window, click the checkbox next to one or more messages you want to delete.


Click the Delete button at the top of the window.


Two new buttons are displayed:


Delete places the message into the trash.  Documents placed in the trash remain there until you click Empty Trash.


Empty Trash permanently removes all items you have placed in the trash.


Click Delete to place the selected message into the trash.


It's a good idea to wait before clicking Empty Trash to permanently delete the documents, because you might find you need an item that you've placed in the trash.



Set mail preferences

Your email message preferences are set up for you by the system administrator.  To change preferences, follow the instructions below.  Click the buttons on the left side of the window and then set your preferences on the right side.


From the main email window, click Tools and then select Preferences.  (Or click Setup in the email area of the My Organizer window.)  The Preferences Mail Basics window displays, as shown below.  Under User configuration you will find the name assigned to you by your system administrator.


Click the checkbox listed under Internet message format to include a reply separator in the messages you send.  A reply separator defines how your reply text appears to your message recipients and helps your text stand out from other text within the message body.  Click Save and Close to save your changes.  Click Cancel to exit the window without making any changes.





To add signature text to the bottom of messages you send, click Signature in the Preferences Mail Basics window.  The Preferences Mail Signature window is displayed, as shown below.


Type the signature text in the Signature box.  Click the checkbox if you want this signature text included at the bottom of all your outgoing messages, and then click Save and Close.  Click Cancel to exit the window without making any changes.