View alerts

The Alerts area on the SVHarbor home page identifies important announcements.  For example, an alert might contain product recall information.  Alerts can include attached documents in Microsoft Word, PDF or other formats, that provide detailed information or instructions.


You must have the appropriate file viewer or application to view an attachment.  For example, you need the Microsoft Word viewer or application to view an attached Word document.  You can download viewers from the Downloads area in the eReports application; refer to the eReports online help.



On the SVHarbor home page, click an alert in the Alerts area.


(Click the More... link in the Alerts area to see additional alert articles.)


The alert information is displayed as shown below.  If the alert includes an attachment, its name is displayed.  For example, the alert shown below contains a Microsoft Word document attachment.



If the alert contains an attachment, click the attachment name.


The attachment is displayed in its viewer inside of your Web browser.  In our example below, the Word document attachment is displayed in the Microsoft Word viewer.



Click the Back button in your browser to return to the alert window.


Click Go Back in the left pane to return to the SVHarbor home page.