Search for a person

Use the Search feature to search directories for a person's location (city and state), store and email address.    



From the SVHarbor menu, choose Search and select a directory.

Clicking Search displays a list of directories to which you have access.



After you select a directory, the first page of names in that directory is shown.  Names are listed in alphabetical order by last name, along with their store (if known) and location (if known).  Available directories are now displayed in the left pane, and a checkmark appears next to the selected directory; you can choose another directory if needed.





Find the name you want.


By default, all names in the directory are listed, although you may need to click Next Set of Entries to view additional names in the list.  Or, select the first letter of the person's name from the alphabetical letters displayed along the top to display people whose last name starts with that letter only; click All to return to viewing all names.


To search for a name, type all or part of the person's last name in the Enter search text field in the lower left of the window, followed by an asterisk (*), and click Go.  (The asterisk matches all letters.)  In the example shown below, we typed ha* and clicked Go, and the directory search results displayed all persons whose last name starts with the letters "ha."





Click a name in the Name column.


After you select a name, the person's email address is displayed, as shown below.


To copy the email address, highlight the email address with the cursor, click the right mouse button and choose Copy from the dropdown menu.




Click Close.


Repeat steps 2 and 3 to locate another name in the current directory.  To search for a person in another directory, first click the directory name in the left pane.


Choose Home from the SVHarbor menu to return to the SVHarbor home page.